London baby!

I’m currently staying in Reading, a rather unattractive town which boast of attractions that are "a mere 20 minute drive" away.

Luckily, it’s also a 20 minute train journey to London Paddington. I spent some time today in Greenwich, lovely place, and in Camden. Some higlights:

Camden Lock
 Camden Lock

Docklands seen from Greenwich Observatory

Which brings me to the point that I recently started using Flickr – thanx to Pieter for the subscription! – to showcase some of my more succesful attempts at photography. Have a look at my flickr photostream

My Car – a Fiat 600, 1972

The red one is mine, the black truck is just there for perspective..

It’s a Fiat 600 from 1972, although the model was introduced in 1955. It sports a whopping 28 HP 767 CC engine in the rear, which provides a 0-100 km/h sprint in 35 seconds – on a quick day.
Anyway, it’s loads of fun to drive. I managed to take it up to 121 kmh (according to my TomTom), which was scary as hell. Better stick to 85 in the wake of a caravan…