The Philosophical Parent

Definitely a great read for any new parent. 26 excellent points, well articulated and thought provoking. Go!

Being a parent can be one of the sources of our greatest joys. It is also – intermittently – the cause of some of our deepest sorrows. It is likely that we will spend at least some of the time in despair and confusion, wondering whether it really had to be so hard.


And next time your child acts out, remember:

“The child needs to be horrible and rejecting now in order, later, to be authentic appreciative and wise.”

Source: The Philosophical Parent

How Good Is My Doctor?

Very interesting perspective on the importance of truly measuring your own performance and researching how to improve.

“Excellence came from seeing, on a daily basis, the difference between being 99.5-per-cent successful and being 99.95-per-cent successful”

The difference in effectiveness between treatment centers can be enormous. Historically, patients haven’t known this. So what happens when they find out?

Source: How Good Is My Doctor?

The past, present, and future of design in Silicon Valley | TechCrunch

Interesting perspective on what design is and how it impacts product development.

The automatic retort to any questions regarding feasibility is, “Anything is a possible.” “Can we do this is? is the wrong question to ask. It’s Why should we do this? How should we do this?…It doesn’t matter what ideas you have, it’s all about Does this solve the problem?”

 In a world in which you can build anything, the onus for entrepreneurs has shifted from figuring out if you can build something to understanding whether it’s worth building it in the first place.

Source: The past, present, and future of design in Silicon Valley | TechCrunch

From mobile first to mobile native — Benedict Evans

Smart companies are starting to build solutions with a “mobile native” assumption:

This change, from building on mobile ‘first’ to really leveraging what a billion or so high-end smartphones can do in 2016, reminds me a little of the ‘Web 2.0’ products of a decade or so ago. One (and only one) way you could characterize these is that they said: ”you know, we don’t necessarily have to think about Lynx, and CGI scripts, and IE2, and dialup. We’ve evolved the web beyond the point that tags were controversial and can make new assumptions about what will work, and that enables new ways to think about interfaces and services.”

Source: From mobile first to mobile native — Benedict Evans

The Unprofitable Valley Or: Why So Much Stuff Is Mediocre « Stohrer Music

The Unprofitable Valley Or: Why So Much Stuff Is Mediocre « Stohrer Music.

Very thought provoking blog on why  so many markets are dominated by mediocrity.  Especially interesting since it comes from an unexpected source, a Saxophone repair service professional.

I think this could pretty much be transcribed to apply to security in software development too – so much software is insecure because by definition, building software securely is more difficult and/or time consuming, requiring significant developer commitment without much return (since most clients are not equipped to recognize the difference).

Very interesting read!