What Steve Jobs Taught Guy Kawasaki

Zeker de moeite om te kijken, maar de hoofdpunten zijn:

  • Experts are clueless
  • Customers cannot tell you what they need
  • Big challenges beget the best work
  • Design counts
  • Only function counts – open or closed is not the question
  • Big graphics, big fonts in presentations
  • Jump curves, not better sameness
  • “Value” is different from “price”
    • Be unique and valuable (prevent pricewar)
  • Avoid Bozo’s – A players hire A players, B-players hire C-players.
  • Real CEO’s can demo
  • Don’t worry, be crappy – ship it!
  • Some things need to be believed, to be seen

Why Quitters Win | Psychology Today

Why Quitters Win | Psychology Today.

Waarom het soms goed is, wanneer je tweede goede kansen hebt die je kan nastreven, toch te kiezen om op 1 op te geven en je aandacht te focussen.

“Some sons and daughters of roofers and plumbers whose grades (ahem) made the top half of the class possible, still ended up making 30-60 percent more money each year than many of their more privileged peers. What this select breed of underdogs had in common was nothing but a unique set of personal beliefs (stemming from emotional stability, internal locus of control, self-efficacy, and self-esteem) about their ability to shape the future. Those beliefs translate into the ability to choose one course of action (entrepreneurship, less prestigious career path, etc.) while quitting others.”

Dunning-Kruger effect

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognize their mistakes. The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority.

Randy Pausch on TIme Management

Randy Pausch was CS professor aan Carnegie Mellon en Virginia Tech – en een fascinerende spreker. Hij kreeg in 2008 te horen nog 6 maanden te leven te hebben, en heeft in deze periode nog twee indrukwekkende "lectures" gehouden. Een over het bereiken van dromen, en een over time management… Inspirerende verhalen!

Kotter on Change Management

More or less a reminder to myself:

Harvard Business School professor John P. Kotter outlined an eight-stage change management process in his 1996 book, Leading Change. This framework has been embraced by many as an accurate representation of the steps needed to effect major change within an organization.

Kotter’s 8-stage Change Management Process

1. Establish a Sense of Urgency

Often employees do not take the need for change seriously enough; the organization is often very complacent. The effective change leader will educate the organization about the urgent need for change and the consequences of sticking to the status quo.

2. Create a Guiding Coalition

The change leader should assemble a group of people who support the need for change and have enough institutional clout to make change happen; the task is then to get this coalition to work together as a team.

3. Develop a Vision and Strategy

A change leader needs to present a picture (or vision) of what the organization will look like after the change and to propose strategies to move the organization to this ideal state. The goal of the vision is to get employee buy-in, so employee participation in articulating the vision is useful.

4. Communicate the Change Vision

The change leader must coordinate a communications effort that broadcasts the new vision and strategies. Management must communicate the vision of change to all relevant employees to further develop buy-in. Kotter believes that the guiding coalition should “model the behavior expected of employees.”

5. Empower Action

Management should remove barriers that impede change. Employees should know that acting in accord with the vision will be rewarded. Risk taking should be encouraged.

6. Generate Short-Term Wins

By breaking up the desired change into smaller steps, change leaders can create a feeling of progress as well as opportunities to reward employees for success. This progress should be communicated widely so it is recognized throughout the organization that change is happening.

7. Consolidate Gains and Produce More Change

Change leaders can use the increased credibility that comes with early “wins” to alter whatever in the organization doesn’t fit the vision. Recruiting and promoting those who can advance the change process (or perhaps even help lead it) is vital in continuing progress.

8. Anchor New Approaches in the Culture

Emphasizing the benefits of the change effort, and linking it to organizational success, is one way to help anchor the new approach. The idea is to have new practices replace the old culture. (This final step takes time; it comes last in the transformation process).

Hoe groot is de kans…

In het kader van mijn afstudeeronderzoek heb ik de afgelopen weken erg veel artikelen gelezen over IT-audits, risicomanagement, security frameworks en professional judgment. Deze wetenschappelijke artikelen hebben met elkaar gemeen dat ze neigen erg naar de technische kant van risico analyse en beveiliging te kijken, en veel minder naar de menselijke of bedrijfsmatige component, die er volgens mij maar bekaaid vanaf komen. Nu is er in andere velden dan IT bijvoorbeel veel onderzoek gedaan naar risico perceptie bij mensen. Via Jamie heb ik dit essay toegestuurd gekregen van Bruce Schneier die op een heel leuk leesbare manier zijn verwondering over dit onderwerp op papier heeft gezet en daarmee en pasent een goede inleiding geeft in het onderwerp
Leuk voor op een regenachtige middag!

Zelf ben ik nu hard aan het nadenken over een manier om IT-Auditors te ondersteunen bij het beoordelen van risico met behulp van een kennissysteem. Ik heb al een paar aardige ideeen opgepikt uit de literatuur en ik heb in ieder geval de komende maanden een erg leuk onderwerp om over praten…

The Curse of Knowledge

Een interessant concept. Uit een interview door Guy Kawasaki met de auteurs van "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" komt deze passage:

"People tend to think that having a great idea is enough, and they think the communication part will come naturally. We are in deep denial about the difficulty of getting a thought out of our own heads and into the heads of others. It’s just not true that, “If you think it, it will stick.” Sticky

And that brings us to the villain of our book: The Curse of Knowledge. Lots of research in economics and psychology shows that when we know something, it becomes hard for us to imagine not knowing it. As a result, we become lousy communicators. Think of a lawyer who can’t give you a straight, comprehensible answer to a legal question. His vast knowledge and experience renders him unable to fathom how little you know. So when he talks to you, he talks in abstractions that you can’t follow. And we’re all like the lawyer in our own domain of expertise.

Here’s the great cruelty of the Curse of Knowledge: The better we get at generating great ideas—new insights and novel solutions—in our field of expertise, the more unnatural it becomes for us to communicate those ideas clearly. That’s why knowledge is a curse. But notice we said “unnatural,” not “impossible.” Experts just need to devote a little time to applying the basic principles of stickiness.

JFK dodged the Curse [with “put a man on the moon in a decade”]. If he’d been a modern-day politician or CEO, he’d probably have said, “Our mission is to become the international leader in the space industry, using our capacity for technological innovation to build a bridge towards humanity’s future.” That might have set a moon walk back fifteen years."

Leuke inzichten volgens mij…

Powerpoint en meer

Een update die helemaal bestaat uit een citaat:

Technology is not neutral. Technology has properties–affordances–that make it easier to do some activities, harder to do others: The easier ones get done, the harder ones neglected. Each has its constraints, preconditions, and side effects that impose requirements and changes on the things with which it interacts, be they other technology, people, or human society at large. Finally, each technology poses a mind-set, a way of thinking about it and the activities to which it is relevant, a mind-set that soon pervades those touched by it, often unwittingly, often unwillingly. The more successful and widespread the technology, the greater its impact upon the thought patterns of those who use it, and consequently, the greater its impact upon all of society. Technology is not neutral, it dominates.

Norman, Donald A., Things that Make Us Smart, Perseus Books, 1993, p. 243

meer op http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0002PP&topic_id=1
p.s. Ik ben inmiddels begonnen aan mijn afstudeerstage, het einde van de studie is serieus in zicht aan het komen!

Huidig project: TBO

Een van de laatste vakken alweer voordat ik aan mijn eindstage ga beginnen…
je kan min of meer live volgen hoe we met een team van 6 studenten de website van Sportvereniging S.V. Spirit herstructureren en een facelift geven.
Deze vereniging overkoepeld een aantal andere sportverenigingen:

Volleybal ZVC
Volleybal NeVoBo
Turnen en Gymnastief
Aerobics en Steps
Nordic Walking
Sportief wandelen

Aan ons de taak hier een coherent en aantrekkelijk geheel van te maken.
Het origineel is te zien op www.svspirit.nl en slechter zal het niet makkelijk worden….